
Much of my curriculum is based on the Utah State Core for Early Childhood (pre-k). It is quite long and extensive, so I have provided an overview.


  • Recognize upper and lower case letters
  • Identify letter sounds
  • Beginning, middle, and ending sounds
  • One to one correspondence (1 written word = 1 spoken work)
  • Identify sounds in spoken words
  • Identify rhyming words
  • Recognize name in print
  • Find matching words or pictures
  • Understand concepts of print (e.g., left to right movement, beginning/end, or top/bottom or page)
  • Use pictures to identify words
  • Recognize that books have a title, author, and illustrator
  • Answer questions about simple stories using sequencing format (what happened first, next, and last)
  • Listen attentively and retell simple stories through conversation, art, movement, or drama
  • Discuss information in a text, including differences, similarities, and comparisons to personal experiences


  • Hold pencil/pen/marker correctly
  • Trace figures and letters
  • Make symbols and letters from models (clay, pipe cleaner, straws…)
  • Draw/write letters
  • Write name
  • Make connections between speech and writing
  • Use a drawings, scribbles, and letters to tell events or stories.
  • One-to-one correspondence (1 spoken word = 1 written word)

Speaking & Listening

  • Recognize that there are rules for discussions (listening to others, taking turns speaking)
  • Be able to ask and answer questions to seek help or to learn more.
  • Describe familiar people, places, things, and events
  • Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly
  • Use singular and plural nouns
  • Use common prepositions (to, from, in, out, on, off, for, with…)
  • Respond to and ask questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how)


  • Recognize the difference between letters, numbers, and other symbols
  • Know number names and counting sequence
  • Count to 20
  • Use one to one correspondence when counting objects
  • Count a number of object 0-10 and associate with a written numeral
  • Compare numbers of objects in different groups (greater than, less than, equal )
  • Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories
  • Identify and describe shapes
  • Compare and create shapes
  • Explore how adding to and taking away objects changes the size of a group.
  • Recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns
  • Understand and describe measurable attributes (how big, tall, long, heavy…)
  • Sort and classify objects by color, size, shape, etc.
  • Understand the concept of time; begin reading clocks


  • Display a sense of curiosity and willingness to try new things
  • Work collaboratively with others (shares materials, helps others, follows simple rules…)
  • Use five senses to explore objects and the environment
  • Recognize the difference between night and day
  • Begin to understand the concept of time (yesterday, today, morning, night…)
  • Recognize changes in the seasons
  • Explore weather (rain, sun, temperature…)
  • Recognize the difference between living and nonliving
  • Describe the needs of living things (food, water…)
  • Understand community (Neighborhood, city, maps, community helpers…)

Social Studies

  • Know personal information (full name, parents/caregivers names, phone number, address, emotional attachment to others)
  • Develop growing capacity for independence
  • Express self in different roles and mediums (dramatic play, music, dance, art, language, or writing)
  • Develop skills to interact cooperatively with others
  • Participate in cooperative play
  • Employs positive social behaviors with peers and adults
  • Develop self-control by regulating impulses and feelings
  • Expresses emotions and feelings
  • Develop skills to solve conflicts
  • Respect others and their belongings
  • Uses imitation or pretend play to learn new roles and relationships

Physical Health and Safety

  • Exhibit fine motor coordination (small muscle)
  • Exhibit gross motor coordination (large muscle)
  • Develop independence in personal hygiene and care
  • Participate in self-selected or organized physical activity
  • Practices safety procedures

Creative Arts

  • Use voice and instruments to create sounds
  • Express themself through dance, music and art
  • Use a variety of media and materials to create art
  • Portray a variety of events, characters, or stories through drama, props, and language